Speech Therapy Services

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) assess, diagnose, treat and help to prevent speech, language, and communication disorders. Speech and language problems can result from a variety of problems including hearing loss, brain injury or deterioration, cerebral palsy, stroke, cleft palate, voice pathology, mental retardation, or emotional problems. These problems can be congenital, developmental or acquired. SLPs use written and oral tests, as well as specialized instruments, to diagnose the nature and extent of impairment and to record and analyze speech, language, and swallowing irregularities.

Speech disorders are problems of expression characterized by difficulty with forming speech sounds or producing voice. Language disorders are characterized by difficulty in comprehension and expression. Causes of speech and language disorders include environmental–behavioral influences, neurological diseases and injuries, viral infections, neuromuscular diseases, stroke, head injury, and genetic deviations.

Speech Therapy Services for Adults

Speech Therapy Services for Adults

Communication, a critical part of speech therapy services is a two-way process in which people exchange information. We send information by speaking, writing, gesturing, and touching. We receive information by listening, reading, watching or feeling Our daily activities and our interpersonal relationships depend greatly on our communication skills Perhaps this is realized most fully when our ability to communicate is interrupted.

Communication difficulties can have a devastating affect on the quality of our lives, isolation, and loss of self-esteem frequently develop. In adults, impaired communication skills can interfere with social-verbal interactions, economic opportunities, and self-sufficiency. Complete withdrawal from family, friends, and society as a whole can occur.

Disorders seen in Speech Therapy:

  • Speech-Language Disorders – Aphasia, Apraxia, or Dysarthria
  • Voice Disorders – Quality, pitch or resonance of the voice
  • Augmentative Communication Devices
  • Cognitive Disorders – Memory, problem solving, reading comprehension, safety awareness, or written expression


Speech Therapy Services for Children

Speech Therapy Services for Children

Speech therapy helps your child to use his or her mouth, tongue, and breath control for eating and talking. The use of words is expected as your child grows and communication is needed on a daily basis. When language development does not occur, as anticipated, speech therapy can stimulate the development. For some children, other ways to communicate such as sign language, symbol books, or communication boards are needed to help communicate.



Speech Therapy Services at BRW address:

  • Articulation Skills
  • Oral Motor Skills
  • Receptive and Expressive Language
  • Aural Rehabilitation
  • Augmentative Communication
  • Swallowing/Feeding Difficulties
  • Fluency skills
  • Voice Disorders